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Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Inhibit Reproduction? - MD. Emre Karatekelioglu


What kind of problem is polycystic ovary syndrome? How often is it found? Is it more common in young girls?

''Polycystic ovary is a condition that is more common in young girls. But it continues throughout most of the reproductive age of life. In polycystic ovary, poly describes the follicles in the ovary, and the ovary describes the ovaries. Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs (approximately 2,5 million) and a expenditure begins at birth. With this expenditure, the number drops to 500 thousand by the time of puberty.

In polycystic ovary, this expenditure is slower. Therefore, these women always have more follicles (egg cells) in their ovaries than their peers. Some follicles that need to be spent survive and continue their lives. This causes the number of follicles in the ovary to decrease less than normal. But there are some features that distinguish these follicles from normal follicles. For one thing, they are less sensitive to the brain's magic signal. This causes menstrual delays. Another feature of these follicles is that they produce more male-type hormones. As a result, these women have more hair growth than their normal peers. When the syndrome is called, more than one symptom must be present together. For example, when viewed on ultrasound, they have more follicles than their normal peers (usually 10 follicles in a single ovary at the beginning of the menstrual period, but more than 20), this is accompanied by either menstrual irregularity or hair growth or both. Polycystic ovary syndrome is very common in society. Today, one out of every 10 women has polycystic ovary syndrome.


“Hairing occurs mostly on the cheeks, under the chin, around the navel, around the chest and on the calves. When the male type of hair is mentioned, a hair that may be darker in color and a little harder is seen. This hair removal is mostly solved cosmetically. However, it should never be forgotten that polycystic ovary syndrome will also occur in the background. Because in such a case, the main treatment is medical treatment. Cosmetic treatment should be used in conjunction with medical treatment. Cosmetic treatment alone can give a temporary result. If there is concomitant menstrual irregularity (normally, the lower limit of the period from the first day of the woman's menstrual period to the first day of the next menstrual period is 24 days and the upper limit is 35 days), this should not be shorter than 24 days, and menstruation should not be seen at intervals less than 35 days. It is usually delayed in polycystic ovary syndrome; sometimes 2-3-6 months may not be seen at all. But it is always above 35 days. So this could also be a sign of not ovulating. Hair growth, especially seen with menstrual irregularities, should definitely bring to mind polycystic ovary syndrome, especially at young ages. Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause no or very late periods? ''The first complaints of girls with polycystic ovary syndrome are sometimes late menstruation and sometimes not menstruation at the onset of puberty. Sometimes, there may be girls who do not use any medication and have menstruation once every 6 months or sometimes once a year when there is no intervention. Because girls are shy, they can hide it. But well-followed moms can usually spot a problem very soon.”

DOES IT CAUSE INSULIN RESISTANCE? . Does polycystic ovary syndrome also cause a metabolic problem (insulin resistance)?

“Insulin resistance is one of the most studied issues with polycystic ovary. It is not always clear whether insulin resistance causes polycystic ovary or whether insulin resistance occurs as a result of polycystic ovary. However, insulin resistance is more common in polycystic ovaries who are overweight. Therefore, women diagnosed with polycystic ovary with weight gain should also be screened for insulin resistance. Then, treatment for this and diet and weight loss along with this treatment are definitely recommended. Insulin resistance is the first to be investigated and treated in expectant mothers who cannot have children after marriage, have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary, have menstrual irregularity and are planning pregnancy. Child treatment cannot be started before insulin resistance is taken care of.

LOSE WEIGHT IS IMPORTANT! Does the inability to have children change according to the severity of polycystic ovary?

There are many types of polycystic ovary syndrome. Such as polycystic ovary which is weak but does not have menstrual irregularities, or polycystic ovary is weak and has hair growth. Polycystic ovary does not have a standard clinical course for everyone. In order for polycystic ovary to prevent pregnancy, it must prevent ovulation and cause menstrual irregularity. It cannot be said that polycystic ovary is the reason for the absence of pregnancy in a woman who is diagnosed with polycystic ovary alone but has regular menstrual cycles. But when weight is lost with polycystic ovary and attention is paid to health conditions, it is seen that menstruation improves on their own. Because weight gain with insulin resistance causes menstrual irregularity. Weight causes insulin resistance, insulin resistance causes weight and menstrual irregularity. When this vicious circle is broken by losing weight, sometimes pregnancy can be achieved even without doing anything. What kind of treatments are applied to a woman who has polycystic ovary syndrome and loses weight but does not become pregnant in the normal way? "Despite losing weight, if there is menstrual irregularity, first of all, efforts are made to get pregnant in the natural process with treatments that can ensure the ovulation, egg development, growth and cracking of the expectant mother. For this, there are drugs that will enlarge the follicle. If pregnancy is not achieved despite applying these for 3-6 months, in vitro fertilization treatment is started after 2-3 vaccination treatments, if no results can be obtained with vaccination treatment. Polycystic ovary is not a group that we directly recommend IVF.''

30-40 PERCENT OF WOMEN ARE COMING WITH THE COMPLAINTS OF NOT BEING A CHILD. How many women with polycystic ovary syndrome have reproductive health problems?

“As women with polycystic ovary syndrome, especially menstrual irregularity, are more common, almost 30-40 percent of these patients apply with the complaint of not being able to have children. Therefore, women who come with menstrual irregularity and have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary are advised to seek support before it is too late, if they have not been able to conceive in the first 6 months after marriage, and if menstrual irregularities continue.
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