Embryo Pool Method

It is the name given to the process of collecting and transferring embryos obtained by performing two or more egg collection procedures (OPU) in couples with decreased egg reserve and concomitant IVF treatment failures.

In couples who have one or more negative results after embryo transfer, this adversely affects the results of the treatment and alienates the patients from the treatment materially and morally. Many couples stop treatment due to these reasons. However, ensuring their continuation of treatment may enable many of them to have children. At the same time, the cost of treatment is reduced by 20-25% in the second and subsequent egg collection procedures of our patients.

In this way, getting the couple more in vitro fertilization treatment with less cost can increase our chances of reaching the result. Another benefit of the method is to increase the number of embryos that can be biopsied in cases where Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) will be performed, to process them together and to reduce the cost of PGD. It is also important for the laboratory to have a very successful embryo freezing technique for the pool method to be successful.

Since the transfer is not performed every time with the embryo pool method, both the patient's stress is reduced and it will be possible to get more treatment with less cost and a higher chance of pregnancy per embryo transfer.

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