ENDOMETRIAL PRP APPLICATION IN IVF TREATMENT In a normal menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus or endometrium becomes thinner after the menstrual period and then thickens under the influence of the progesterone hormone following ovulation. This thickening means preparation of the uterine lining to support a potential pregnancy. However, in some cases, the endometrium does not thicken or does not thicken enough. This can be caused by many different factors. Failure or inadequate thickening of the endometrium can reduce the chances of pregnancy and prevent regular menstrual cycles. If there is a situation where the endometrium does not thicken sufficiently during in vitro fertilization treatment, it can be managed with correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Hormonal treatments (high dose estrogen therapy, adjusting the dose of hormone drugs), direct stimulation of the intrauterine layer (endometrium) (uterine scratching, endometrial PRP) are some of these methods.

What is Endometrial Prp?

The term "Endometrial PRP" refers to Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment applied to the endometrial tissue (inner surface of the uterus). PRP is a plasma enrichment treatment method obtained from the patient's own blood. In this treatment, the patient's blood is processed using a centrifugal device and the blood is converted into plasma, The part rich in platelets and other growth factors is separated.This enriched plasma is then injected into the lining of the patient's uterus.

For what purpose is Endometrial Prp Treatment Applied?

The purpose of Endometrial PRP (Uterine Inner Surface PRP) is to heal and regenerate endometrial tissue. This can increase endometrial thickness and may be administered to increase the chances of pregnancy. Endometrial PRP can be used to reduce the risk of miscarriage, especially in women with recurrent miscarriages or low thickness.

How is Endometrial PRP Applied to the Uterus?

As with all other treatment methods, there are certain steps before applying endometrial PRP treatment to the patient. Endometrial PRP application steps;

1. Patient Evaluation:

Before application, the patient should be evaluated by a reproductive health specialist or gynecologist. The suitability of treatment is evaluated by examining the patient's condition and endometrial quality. It is especially targeted for the patient group with recurrent miscarriages or low uterine thickness.

2. Blood Collection (PRP Preparation):

Some blood is taken from the patient. This blood is processed in a special centrifuge device. The centrifugation process allows obtaining PRP solution by separating the blood into its components. PRP is rich in growth factors, cytokines and other cellular components.

3. Application:

PRP can be applied into the uterus with the help of a special catheter or a thin tube (pipette). This procedure is performed by a gynecologist or reproductive health specialist. During application, PRP is injected directly into the uterus.

4. Follow-up and Evaluation:

After the application, the patient is monitored for a while. Checks are carried out over a period of time to evaluate the success of the treatment and monitor the response to the treatment.

5. Combination with Other Treatments:

Endometrial PRP therapy is used in combination with other treatments. For example, it can be combined with IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment, thus increasing the chances of embryos settling into the uterus. The application is performed during the intrauterine preparation process, approximately 15 days before the embryo transfer.

The effectiveness of this treatment is still under investigation and may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, women considering endometrial PRP should consult with a reproductive health professional about the treatment options best suited to their condition. The specialist can determine the most appropriate treatment plan by evaluating your personal medical history and health condition.
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