How should personalized IVF treatment be?

In vitro fertilization treatment, which basically consists of three stages;

1 stage:

Stimulation and enlargement of the ovaries

2 stage:

Collecting the eggs and following the development of the embryos by combining them with the sperm of the man

3 stage:

Transfer of embryos into the uterus.

While applying these procedures, the treatment protocols and stages chosen differ according to the characteristics of our patients. For example, there are differences in the approach to patients with good ovarian reserve, who can produce many eggs, and patients with low reserve. In patients with high reserves, we primarily apply needle therapy. By getting more eggs, we create more embryos. We aim to select the best quality among those embryos and increase the patient's chances. There are some of our patients who, despite their young age, do not have many eggs in their ovaries. We do not apply needle therapy to such patients, or we do it minimally; because we know that in our patients with few eggs, high-dose needle treatment can make the eggs more unhealthy.

We may not always be able to obtain good quality embryos from each of our patients. Sometimes fertilization and sometimes embryo quality may not be very good. When we encounter such situations, we can make changes in the techniques used in our laboratory, if possible, according to the patient's condition. As good listeners, if the couples have had negative experiences before, we support the treatment with methods that assist fertilization in the laboratory by blending our own experiences in the light of the information we receive.

We definitely postpone the transfer in our patients whose uterine inner membrane is thin and does not reach sufficient thickness for embryo transfer. We follow the developments by applying current treatments for the thickening of the inner lining of the uterus. On which day the embryo transfer will be made; Embryo development, uterine lining thickness, hormone levels are taken into consideration. When the day of transfer arrives, if the thickness of the uterus is not at a sufficient level for pregnancy and the progesterone hormone rises above the determined values, placing the embryo in the uterus reduces the chance of success. In such a case, we do not transfer the embryos but freeze them and plan their transfer at the appropriate time.

There are two basic facts that should be known about the use of current technologies in IVF: First, the necessity of using technology that is unique to the individual and to identify and solve the existing problem in the treatment success, and secondly, since a significant part of the newly introduced technologies are put into clinical use before the necessary scientific studies are completed. the fact that it did not achieve significant success.
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