
Although menopause literally means the last period, it basically means the cessation of ovarian functions. It is between the ages of 45-52 when the ovarian functions cease. If this occurs before the age of 40, it is called premature menopause. In early menopause, the secretion of estrogen hormone decreases, while AMH decreases, FSH and LH hormone levels increase. In this case, which manifests as irregularity in menstruation, it can be understood whether you are in the early menopause period with the ultrasound examination and hormone tests to be performed.

Why does early menopause occur?

*Family History
The most important factor that determines the menopause age of every woman is the age at which the mother enters the menopause. If there is a family history of early menopause, the risk of early menopause is high.

*Surgical interventions
If, for any reason, there is an intervention in the woman's ovary (especially a double-sided chocolate cyst), early menopause may occur. We recommend such patients not to delay having a child.

*Chromosomal Diseases
They are congenital causes and have no cure. Fortunately, although it is a rare condition, it is another factor that causes early menopause. The most common chromosomal disorder is Turner Syndrome.

Chemotherapy or radiotherapy taken during cancer treatment can damage the ovaries and cause early menopause.

*Life style
Exposure to severe stress, malnutrition, smoking and alcohol use can also cause early menopause.

How is Early Menopause Diagnosed?

The most important symptom of women is the shortening of menstrual periods. Under normal conditions, women have a period every 28 days, and menstruation more often than 22 days usually indicates a decrease in ovarian reserve. When menopause approaches, the number of menstruation decreases and is completely stopped.
Other symptoms are: increased sweating, vaginal dryness, sexual reluctance, sleep disturbances, hot flashes. If you notice such symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a gynecologist without delay and have the necessary tests done.

Can Early Menopause Be Prevented?

It is not possible to prevent the person from entering early menopause, but early diagnosis is possible with regular doctor examination. In the first days of menstruation, hormone tests (AMH, FSH, estradiol) are performed and the ovaries are examined with vaginal ultrasound. Thus, an idea can be obtained about the number of eggs suitable for fertilization. The age of the patient is of great importance for a successful outcome in early menopause treatments. The only option for unmarried patients is egg freezing. The younger the patient, the higher the chance of success in treatment.

What Should I Do in Case of Early Menopause?

We recommend in vitro fertilization treatment for patients who are likely to enter early menopause and who want to become mothers. Because IVF treatment has the highest chance of success among assisted reproductive methods. For our patients who are not married and do not plan to become pregnant in a short time, the most appropriate method will be egg freezing. In egg freezing, egg cells are obtained by using drugs to enlarge the follicles and frozen by vitrification method. Thus, you will have the chance to achieve pregnancy by using your eggs at a later date. The preference of an experienced and equipped center and laboratory is an important factor in increasing the chances of those who are likely to enter early menopause.

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