• 1. Week

    Your baby hasn't formed yet.
  • 2nd week Alt Text

    2. Week

    The development of the egg cell in the ovaries continues.
  • alt Text

    3. Week

    Even if you don't realize it, your pregnancy continues to progress. In this week, the union of the male's egg and the woman's egg, called "fertilization", takes place. Your baby weighs less than 2 grams, 0,1mm tall
  • 4. Week

    With the fusion of your and your partner's chromosome genetics, your baby's first cell structure begins to form. This structure is called zygote. During this week, you will not be feeling the changes that will notice your pregnancy. You may even experience the pains experienced before the menstrual period at the same time. Less than 2 grams, Length: 1mm
  • 5. Week

    During this period, organs begin to form gradually. Your baby continues to grow rapidly and reaches 5 or 1,5 mm at the end of the 2th week.
  • 7. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    -7. Your baby is the size of a bean at week. The brain continues to develop rapidly. Arms, legs and face begin to take shape. During this week, the lenses in the eyes begin to form. Less than 2 grams, Length: 10 mm

    Changes in you:

    -Because your belly has not grown yet, it may not be noticed by others that you are pregnant. In the 7th week, your nausea and indigestion complaints may continue.

  • 8. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    -8. Your baby is the size of a hazelnut. In this week

    his arms are extended and his elbows and wrists become prominent. Although the fingers and toes are formed, they are still adjacent to each other as a curtain. Eyelids are formed. His muscles move. Less than 2 grams, Height: 20 mm

    Changes in you:

    -8. Within a week, your waist circumference begins to expand. Your stomach burning, indigestion and bloating may continue.

  • 9. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    -9. Starting from the first week, your baby's face starts to become more rounded and important changes take place. All organs, muscles and nerves have developed. While its intestines are in a cord, it slowly begins to move towards the cavity in the abdomen. Weight 2gr, Length: 30mm

    Changes in you:

    -9. The fullness and sensitivity in your breasts will increase a little more in a week. After this period, it is useful to use bras that support your breasts from below. Your stomach burning, indigestion and bloating may continue.

  • 10. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Your baby's kidneys are now producing urine. 10. week The iris layer, which provides the formation of your baby's eye color, becomes evident. It's his liver week It starts to work inside and starts to produce blood. Weight 5 gr, Length: 45mm

    Changes in you:

    Miracle! Your nausea is starting to ease now. Some changes and complaints during pregnancy vary from person to person. If this is your nausea week If it does not decrease within the next week, it may start to decrease in the following weeks. Don't let this worry you.

  • 11. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    of the week Finally, your baby's organ development is largely completed. This week The curtains on your baby's fingers and toes will be lifted. Depending on this change, your baby can easily open and close his hands after this week. 10 gr, Length: 55mm

    Changes in you:

    From the 11th week onwards, a gradual increase in weight can be observed. Average week next week 400-500 gr. weight gain may occur. This change may vary depending on your bodily structure and hereditary factors. There is nothing for you to worry about. From this week, your hair and nails start to grow rapidly.

  • 13. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    As of this week, if his lungs are not filled with air, he starts to exercise his respiratory muscles by making respiratory movements. 13. week As of today, your baby's liver has started producing bile. As of this week, the hormone insulin, which is an important secretory substance for the body, begins to be produced by your baby's pancreas. This of the week The other change it brings is that your baby's vocal cords begin to develop. 30 gr, Length: 70mm

    Changes in you:

    During this period, your frequency of urination may decrease. You may feel mild pain in your abdomen or groin area.

  • 15. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Bu week Your baby's muscle tissue begins to develop. On her transparent skin, capillaries become prominent.

    15. week it also brings with it a period when your baby's bone and muscle development will accelerate. 90 gr, Length: 110mm

    Changes in you:

    Bu week When you put your hand on your stomach, you will feel a tiny mass like a ball.

    not many, a few week Your baby will grow rapidly.

    In the meantime, do not forget to drink plenty of water for your baby and yourself.

  • 16. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Your baby starts sucking movements in these weeks. On ultrasound, you can observe his movements and swallowing. From this week on, your baby's fingernails and toenails will begin to grow faster. 150 gr, Length: 150mm

    Changes in you:

    Bu week When you look at your body, you can see spots in your body due to hormonal changes. Don't worry. Although these spots are not permanent, they are one of the natural changes that await you during pregnancy. This week Within or in the following weeks, the capillaries on the back of your legs may become prominent, and you may feel pain in the form of mild contractions in that area. It is useful to start taking measures to prevent the varicose veins from being permanent. Begin an exercise program in consultation with your doctor. Regular exercise will be beneficial for both you and your baby. Keep drinking water again...

  • 17. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Calcium is needed for your baby's developing bones. We recommend that you take foods rich in calcium. Your baby's circulatory system has started to work at full capacity. Gradually, that tiny body will start to accumulate fat in these weeks. 150 gr, Length: 180mm

    Changes in you:

    17. per week Gradually, you may begin to feel pain in your back, albeit mildly. You may experience insomnia during these weeks. Remember not to neglect yourself in your daily hustle and bustle. From the 17th week, your tummy will gradually start to become round. You may encounter expectant mothers who are in the same weeks as you. Maybe their bellies are bigger than you. You don't need to worry. Every expectant mother experiences pregnancy differently.

  • 18. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Calcium is needed for your baby's developing bones. We recommend that you take foods rich in calcium. Your baby's circulatory system has started to work at full capacity. Gradually, that tiny body will start to accumulate fat in these weeks. 150 gr, Length: 180mm

    Changes in you:

    You may feel fatigue in your body during these weeks. You may have blood pressure complaints at 17-18 and 19 weeks. You may experience sudden dizziness due to low blood pressure. Suggestions, don't make sudden movements when getting out of bed. Against dizziness and low blood pressure, try to keep your feet in the air by standing in a supine position. You can put a pillow under your feet or get support from the wall.

  • 19. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your baby's body is surrounded by a cream-like substance. This substance is called vernix. If you haven't, you are in the last week when you can have the triple test for down syndrome screening of your baby. During these weeks, your baby will continue to make you feel his movements gradually. During these times, brain tissue and muscle control are developing. Your baby will begin to make voluntary movements during this period. He will often perform movements such as bringing his hand to his mouth, opening and closing his palms. You can see these movements in the ultrasonographic examination. 250 gr, Length: 220mm

    Change in you

    Sometimes you can feel good and sometimes bad. This emotional process is very normal. When you have a negative feeling, remember that it is a temporary situation during pregnancy and relax by thinking that it will disappear after delivery.

  • 20. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Their teeth are developing. Her hair is starting to show. The white oily substance (vernix) that protects the baby's skin is formed. This weekThis is a suitable period for your baby's second-level ultrasonography and tetanus vaccine. 320 gr, Length: 250mm

    Changes in you:

    Positive changes in your hair and skin will make you more beautiful. You will begin to feel your baby's movements. Colostrum (first milk) may come from the breast. There may be bleeding in the gums and vaginal discharge. Take care to eat healthy during these periods, because you are entering a period in which your baby develops very quickly and you gain weight very quickly. We recommend that you pay attention to your daily calcium intake after this period to meet your baby's calcium needs.

  • 21. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    21. Next week Once reached, the rapid growth in the baby slows down a bit. This per week The most important event is the strengthening of the heart muscle. Your baby's heart has started pumping blood much more effectively. 21. Per week Your baby's heart muscle is getting stronger. Depending on the development of the sense of hearing, it can react to sounds. This Hon week Your baby's movements begin to become stronger. 380 gr, Length: 270mm

    Changes in you:

    During this period, you may feel back and lower back pain as the joints and joint ligaments are loosened. With proper posture and exercises, these complaints will be minimized. Exercises and walks that you will do without forcing your body; it will both make you feel fit and control your weight gain. Regular exercise and walking will also make the birth process easier. We recommend that you pay attention to your calcium intake.

  • 22. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Bu next week When you reach your baby, you can talk, read or sing to your baby. Because now he can hear you, she. Not only can he hear, he can even react to sounds. For this reason, you can listen to music CDs made for baby development. There are studies claiming that listening to classical music in the womb has a positive effect on spiritual development. You can sing her a lullaby. 420 gr, Length: 285 mm

    Changes in you:

    Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, thin veins may begin to form on your skin. There may be swelling, tenderness and bleeding in your gums. Since the stomach will come up with the pressure of the uterus to the stomach, stomach acid may come to the esophagus. For this reason, it is normal to have complaints of nausea. You may experience uterine contractions. Painless uterine contractions called Braxson do not harm you and your baby, but it is useful to follow the frequency of contractions. If you feel your uterine contractions at regular intervals, for example more than 4-5 times an hour, it is useful to consult your doctor.

  • 23. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    You can see your baby smiling on ultrasonographic examinations. During this period, their eyes are fully developed, but eye color is not yet clear. 550 gr, Length: 305 mm

    Changes in you:

    You may experience insomnia during these periods. A walking and exercise program that you can do without straining your body will positively affect your sleep pattern. Now you should start choosing shoes that will allow you to step comfortably instead of high heels.

  • 24. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Sweat glands begin to form in the skin. Since the muscles are developed, they are mobile. He may cough and hiccup. You may feel your hiccups like kicking. 24. Per week his eyes are closed. He can hear your voice. He frowns, purses his lips, opens and closes his mouth. It is nourished by the placenta and is protected by a surrounding warm fluid (amniotic fluid). This fluid is renewed every four hours. It regulates the baby's temperature, protects it from disease factors and impacts. Kicks, punches, sometimes somersaults. He can clenched his fist. 560 gr, Length: 320 mm

    Changes in you:

    It is the best period of pregnancy. You may be sensitive to heat. You should drink lots of water. You should do regular gymnastics without tiring yourself too much. You should practice relaxation and breathing exercises. 24-28. Weeks 1 hour 50 gr. Don't forget to have your glucose load measurements during your first pregnancy..

  • 25. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    25. per week Your baby's sense of taste greatly develops. The spinal system with bone, joint and ligament structures has developed. This is also your baby's gender-related developments. per week is defined. Its body is covered with skin folds depending on its development. 650 gr, Height: 325 mm

    Changes in you:

    There may be pain in the legs and waist due to the pressure of the growing uterus and the deterioration of circulation.

  • 26. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Air sacs begin to form in your baby's lungs. During these weeks, your baby will develop quite quickly. Since the pregnancy process will be different for each mother and baby, this development may vary from baby to baby. In this process, your baby's need for nutrients and oxygen will increase. Your baby can provide these nutrients with uteroplacental blood flow. Uteroplacental blood flow describes the amount of blood that reaches the uterus and placenta from your circulatory system. From this week onwards, your baby's movements will increase. 720 gr, Length: 330 mm

    Changes in you:

    Depending on the development of your baby, your belly is growing and your weight is increasing. You may find it difficult to stand up. Towards the end of the day, you may have swelling in your feet and fingers. This is related to the increase in the total amount of blood circulation in your body during pregnancy.

  • 27. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Your baby's eyesight will develop further during these weeks. His eye color is now clear, he can wink at you. You can now track their movements. You may also feel hiccups during these periods. 800 gr, Length: 340 mm

    Changes in you:

    Continue your breathing exercises. You may experience frequent toileting and insomnia problems at night, and you may want to sleep during the day. Try not to sleep during the day so that you do not lose your sleep at night. Continue with your routine checkups. Don't worry about the changes that pregnancy brings. feel comfortable

  • 28. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    Your baby's skin is pink and wrinkled. The sense of taste is sharp. His lungs are immature. 900 gr, Height: 35 cm

    Changes in you:

    Towards the last weeks, the baby starts to store fat. You may have heartburn, indigestion, and cramps. There may be short-term contractions of the uterus, called false labor pains.

  • 29. Week

    Changes in Your Baby:

    The fine hairs, called lanugo, that cover your baby's skin, begin to gradually disappear. The baby begins to be aware of his surroundings now. Although the inside of the uterus is generally thought to be pitch dark, it may be light or dark depending on the environment in which the expectant mother is, and the baby can distinguish it. 1300 gr, Height: 38 cm

    Changes in Your Baby:

    29. Per week Now the ratio between head and body is close to normal. 1100 gr, Height: 36.5 cm

  • 30. Week

    Change in you

    You should now rest and attend prenatal classes. You may not sleep as well as before. You may feel discomfort in the abdomen and legs. You should put your legs high and rest for 1-2 hours a day. You should practice pelvic floor exercises.

    Change in your baby

    Your baby's brain continues to mature rapidly. Another rapidly developing part is the baby's bones. Your baby needs more calcium than usual these weeks. For this reason, you should consume plenty of milk and dairy products and use calcium medications if your doctor deems it necessary. 1500 gr, Height: 39 cm

  • 31. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your baby can hear, feel and see. In these weeks, your baby's head diameter begins to grow faster than before. Like a newborn, your baby spends most of his time sleeping. In fact, your baby's lungs have almost completed their development and maturation. Babies gain weight rapidly in the last stages of pregnancy. Your baby is now slowly taking the birth position. 2000 gr, Height: 41 cm

    Change in your baby

    Can distinguish between dark and light. 1800 gr, Height: 40 cm

  • 32. Week

    Change in your baby

    In these weeks, weakness and fatigue are one of the most important complaints of many pregnant women. Sleeping difficulties, weight gain, and a consequent decrease in mobility will cause you to have problems. During this period, you may experience sexual reluctance. Keep in mind that thousands of women give birth every day around the world and only a few of them have problems. 2500 gr, Height: 43.5 cm

    Change in your baby

    Your baby's lungs likely now have a substance called surfactant. Surfactant is the substance that prevents the walls from sticking together after evacuating the air in the alveoli that provides ventilation in the lungs. 2250 gr, Height: 42.5 cm

  • 33. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your first baby's head has begun to descend into the pelvis. 2900 gr, Height: 45 cm

    Change in you

    You may urinate frequently. You can prepare the suitcase that you will take to the hospital.

  • 34. Week

    Change in your baby Your baby and pregnancy are considered expired. However, its growth has not stopped yet. The body continues to store fat. 3200 gr, Height: 48 cm Change in you Bu next week Your cervix and the canal connecting it to the uterus were filled by a plug. The purpose of this mucus plug is to protect the inside of your uterus and your baby against germs and infections from the vagina. This mucus plug coming out of your vagina is one of the signs of childbirth and is popularly referred to as "aiming". Engagement few from birth week It may come earlier, or it may come just a few hours earlier. You usually feel the mark as a bloody discharge.
  • 35. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your baby and pregnancy are considered expired. However, its growth has not stopped yet. The body continues to store fat. 3300 gr, Height: 49 cm

    Change in you

    As fat accumulation gradually slows down, weight gain also slows down. Likewise, you start to gain less weight. As their cheeks and sucking muscles are fully developed, your baby swallows the amniotic fluid in which he is constantly swimming. Together with this liquid, the cells shed from the digestive system, the skin, and the hairs form the intestinal contents, namely feces. This stool is called “meconium”. Meconium is a dark green-black colored substance.

  • 36. Week

    Change in your baby Most of the lanugo hairs on his body are gone; There may be some left on the shoulders, arms and legs. 3300 gr, Height: 50 cm

    Change in you You may feel a feeling of heaviness in your lower abdomen.

  • 37. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your baby and pregnancy are considered expired. However, its growth has not stopped yet. The body continues to store fat. 3200 gr, Height: 48 cm

    Change in you

    Until this week, your cervix and the canal connecting it to the uterus were filled by a plug. The purpose of this mucus plug is to protect the inside of your uterus and your baby against germs and infections from the vagina. This mucus plug coming out of your vagina is one of the signs of childbirth and is popularly referred to as "aiming". The engagement may come a few weeks before the birth, or it may come just a few hours before. You usually feel the mark as a bloody discharge.

  • 38. Week

    Change in your baby

    Your baby and pregnancy are considered expired. However, its growth has not stopped yet. The body continues to store fat. 3300 gr, Height: 49 cm

    Change in you

    As fat accumulation gradually slows down, weight gain also slows down. Likewise, you start to gain less weight. As their cheeks and sucking muscles are fully developed, your baby swallows the amniotic fluid in which he is constantly swimming. Together with this liquid, the cells shed from the digestive system, the skin, and the hairs form the intestinal contents, namely feces. This stool is called “meconium”. Meconium is a dark green-black colored substance.

  • 39. Week

    Change in your baby

    Most of the lanugo hairs on his body are gone; There may be some left on the shoulders, arms and legs. 3300 gr, Height: 50 cm

    Change in you

    You may feel a feeling of heaviness in your lower abdomen.

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