1. Before you come to Istanbul:
You will fill our medical questionnaire and email us along with your previous medical records. We will have the doctor to evaluate your medical history and the test results.You will receive his/her advises, details&schedule of your treatment/surgery, pre-and post - op advises and the consent. You will have all the medical data beforehand.
2. Once you decide to proceed with your treatment:
We will book your appointment and schedule your treatment.3. Once your treatment starts:
You will have an English speaking doctor and a patient coordinator.You will have a detailed gynecologic examination, have blood tests and then treatment will start.
Your medications will be prescribed and showed how to administer by the nurses. Upon request all injections will be done by the nurses. You will receive all the instructions written in English.
All your scans will be performed by your doctor and receive full information at every stage of your treatment.
A patient coordinator will asisst you for all your needs.