Our Team
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Medical Coordinator
He was born in Istanbul in 1967. He completed his elementary education at Esayan High School. He completed his middle and high school Private Pangalti High School. He graduated from high school in 1983-1984.
He started to the Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School in 1984. He graduated in 1989 and started his residency degree at Taksim First Aid Hospital Gynecology Department in 1990.
Dr. Kamar completed his Gynecology Residency Degree in 1995 and worked as a Gynecologist in Denizli Buldan Public Hospital in August 1995 in his conscription term.
He was assigned as Physician Chief of the same hospital in 1998. He performed that mission for 7 years.
He has interested in Endoscopy (Closed operations) and Infertility in both his residency and specialist term.
During his residency tenure he worked in new application fields and current diagnosis methods which are sonohysterography and hysteroscopy.
He studied and published regarding to aromatase inhibitors in infertility treatment as a new alternative medication.
He completed his Assisted Reproduction Technology Certificate at Ege University IVF Center in 2003 for 6 months.
He resigned from his government assignment in 2005 and established Private Istanbul IVF&Women Health Center at Gumussuyu/Taksim in 2005.
The center certified by government in beginning of 2006. He has still worked in Infertility&IVF field in addition to Gynecology and keeps trying to help to the people, who suffered from infertiliy as a social injury. He has married and has 2 girls.
Gynegology, Reproductive Health, IVF, Surgeries

Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Dr. Suzan Gencsoy was borned in Bulgaria. She completed her elementary school, middle school and high school in Bulgaria. She completed her Science High school as championship degree in 1983.
Dr. Gencsoy started Varna Medical School in 1983 and completed her degree at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School in 1990.
She started her residency degree at Pleven Medical School Gynecology Department in 1990 and she participated many scientific study in her field. She completed her residency degree in 1997 at Taksim Education and Research Hospital Gynecology Department.
Dr. Gencsoy completed her Assisted Reproduction Technology Certification training at Istanbul American Hospital within 6 months in 2009.
She has been working as a Gynecologist at Private Istanbul IVF & Women Health Center since 2005.
She has married and has 2 children.
Gynegology, Reproductive Health, IVF, Surgeries
English Bulgarian

Dr. Ceylan was borned in Burdur in 1959. After he graduated from Kozluca elementray school he completed his middle and high school degree at Isparta Gonen Techer High school between 1970-1977.
He studied Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine between1977 -1983.
He worked as General Practitioner in Bolu Goynuk Karacalar and Goynuk Center cottage hospital between 1983-1986.
He completed his Urology residency in Istanbul Taksim Education&Research Hospital between 1986 -1990.
He completed his military service at Edremit Soldier Hospital as an Urologist between 1990-1992.
He worked as an urologist at Taksim Education&Research Hospital between 1992 - 2010.
He is member of American Urology Foundation, Europe Urology Foundation, Andrology Foundation and Endourology Foundation.
He has been working at Istanbul IVF and Woman’s Health Center as an Urologist since 2010.
He’s married and has 2 children.
Urology, Reproductive Health, Surgeries

Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Born in Kayseri in 1979. He completed the primary and high school educations in Mersin (Ileri Primary School, Icel Anatolian High School). He graduated from Eskisehir Osmangazi Medical faculty as MD in 2004.
He was resident in Baskent University Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department between 2004-2009. In 2009, completed his PHD on obstetrics and gynaecology. He made his obligatory goverment service between 2010-2011 as obstetrics and gynaecology specialist. From 2011 to 2014, he worked in Baskent University Hospital (Istanbul) and Anadolu Medical Center (in affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine). He studied on reproductive medicine in Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty and is certified on Reproductive Medicine (IVF) by Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty and Turkish Ministry of Health. Starting from 2014, he is working in Istanbul IVF and Woman’s Health Center’s Crew as reproductive medicine (IVF), obstetrics and gynaecology specialist.
He is the founder of the IVF Department of Kocaeli Konak Hospital. His main medical interests are endoscopic surgery (laparascopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery), thin endometrium, natural IVF cycles, recurrent pregnancy losses, polycystic ovary sydrome (PCOS) (His phd thesis is on PCOS). He speaks English fluently (IELTS 7-7.5) and some German. His hobbies are travelling, meeting new people and lives, cooking, discovering the local tastes, diving and lying on the beach.
Certificates :
Laparascopy and hysteroscopy certificate (Baskent University Medical Faculty)
Colposcopy certificate (Baskent University Medical Faculty)
Reproductive medicine (IVF) specialty certificate (Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty)
Gynegology, Reproductive Health, IVF, Surgeries

Obstetrician and Gynecologist
She worked at IVF Department of Private Istanbul Cerrahi Hospital in 2011, at Dogan Hospital in 2012, at Private Yenibosna Safa Hospital between 2012 – 2016.
She completed her Assisted Reproduction Technology Certification training at Kadikoy Acibadem Hospital in 2015.
She worked as a gynecologist at IVF Department of Private Medicana Internationiol Beylikduzu Hospital between 2016 – 2019.
She is a member of Reproductive Health and Infertility Association (TSRM) and Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD).
She is married and has a daughter.
Gynegology, Reproductive Health, IVF, Surgeries
English, German

IVF Laboratory Director
She was born in 1973, Edirne. She was graduated from Faculty of Sciences Department of Biology, Ankara University in 2006.
She worked as an embryologist in Sisli Memorial Hospital IVF Department between 2000 – 2007. She was in charge of the embryology laboratory in Memorial Hospital between 2007-2012 and in Acibadem Maslak Hospital between 2012-2016.
She has been interested in choosing sperm morphology for ICSI, developing embryos in cu-colture environment, improving blastocyst embryo, choosing embryo for transfer, freezing and thawing embryo, embryoscope and embryo biopsy for a-CGH and NGS genetic testings.
She took an active role in renewing the Istanbul IVF and Woman’s Health Center in the beginning of 2017 and continued her career as an IVF Laboratory Director in our center.

İlkay Çavuşoğlu completed his high school education at Kandilli High School for Girls. In 2002, she graduated from Istanbul University, Florance Nıgtıngale School of Nursing.
In 2015, she completed his master's degree at Haliç University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. she is currently a PhD candidate at Biruni University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing.
She started to work at the German Hospital in IVF Departman in 2002. She worked as an Infertility Nursing and Coordinator for 11 years in domestic and international centers within the same group.
She worked as a coordinator in Maslak Acibadem Hospital's IVF Center and Dr Halit Firat Erden's Office between the years of 2013-2018, for 5 years,
Since April 2018, she has been working as an administrative coordinator at the Istanbul IVF and Women's Health Center.
She organized and moderated in March 2015 3rd Acıbadem Women's Birthdays, in April 2016 4th Acıbadem Women's Birthdays, and in April 2017 5th Acıbadem Women's Birthdays.
she attended many national and international conferences, congresses and courses as a speaker.
Cavusoglu İ. Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri, İnfertilite Hemşireliği El Kitabı, Ed. Nurdan Demirci, Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, s. 103-120, ISBN: 978-605-335-326-3, 2017
Çavuşoglu I, Beji NK. İnfertilite Tedavileri Sonrası Gebe Kalan Kadınların Yaşam Kalitesi ve Depresyon Durumlarının İncelenmesi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Obstet Womens Health Dis Nurs-Special Topics 2016;2(3):77-84.
Cavusoglu I, Oz S, Bahceci M. “The Efficiency of Administration of Cabergoline (Cb2) and/or Hydroxyaethyl Starch Solution (HAES) to Patients with Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Risk” Preselected for the Nursıng Award. ESHRE. 28th. Annual Meeting 01-04 July 2012. İstanbul, Turkey.
ISO 9001;2015 Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System – Internal Audıtor Training