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The Insidious Cause of Infertility MD. Suzan Gencsoy

Cause of infertility

Kiss. Dr. Suzan Gençsoy said that chronic stress can cause depression and negatively affects egg quality in her depression.

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Stating that stress is the psychological and physiological reactions of the body to people, events and stimuli that cause a feeling of threat and insecurity, Op. Dr. Gençsoy said, “The biggest factor that creates stress is the unknown. What they don't know scares people, and fear and anxiety cause stress. Considering this, knowing as much as possible the reproductive potential of the patient, all the details of the stages in the treatment process, the stages with the risk of pain, the risks that may arise after the egg is collected and all the negativities, especially in the first detailed interview, prevents the negative reaction in the face of an unusual situation and the loss of the patient's trust in the institution and the doctor. will pass,” he said.

Emphasizing that stress has physiopathological effects, Op. Dr. Gençsoy said, “Even the pulse and breathing of a person under stress change, their sleeping pattern and eating habits change. All these pathological changes are, of course, the result of a hormonal change. There are scientific studies that show that this deteriorated hormonal situation negatively affects the reproductive potential of women. In addition, extreme stress can cause fallopian tube spasms in women and a reduced sperm count in men. It is also important how stress is defined. Considering that chronic stress can cause depression, the negative effects of depression on egg quality and the fact that depressed women are at twice the risk of miscarriage show us that stress indirectly affects infertility treatment. The individual under stress constantly feels worthless and may become socially withdrawn. She obsessively explores issues related to having children and her agenda is completely occupied with it. The person has difficulty concentrating and his relationship with his wife may deteriorate.

Kiss. Dr. Suzan Gençsoy listed what should be done in the presence of stress as follows:

– Get a full understanding of the cause of your infertility problem and the appropriate treatment options.

– Have a treatment plan that you and your partner agree on.

– Take care to communicate clearly and effectively with your spouse.

– You can attend different artistic courses (eg: painting, wood painting, etc.)

– In order to reduce physical and emotional tension, you can do sports (especially slow-paced walks) without exaggeration and in consultation with your specialist.

– You can learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga and meditation by consulting your psychologist.

– Do not take caffeine and other substances that have a stimulating effect on the body.

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