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Personal Precautions Pregnant Women Can Take Before Earthquake

Personal Precautions Pregnant Women Can Take Before Earthquake

There are some precautions pregnant women can take before an earthquake. These measures can be listed as follows: Prepare an emergency bag: Pregnant women should prepare an emergency bag at home before the earthquake. This bag should contain basic necessities such as water, food, medicines, baby supplies, blankets, flashlight and radio.

Do your pregnancy follow-up regularly: Pregnancy follow-up should also be done regularly before the earthquake. Thanks to the regular controls in pregnancy follow-up, the health of the mother and baby can be monitored and necessary precautions can be taken.

Keep the things in the house in order: The order of the things in the house before the earthquake is important, especially in order to act quickly and safely in an emergency. Pregnant women can keep the movement area open by arranging the items in the house.

Remove hazardous materials in the house: Hazardous materials in the house should be removed before the earthquake. These substances may pose a danger to the health of children and pregnant women.

Make a plan for communication after the earthquake: It is important for pregnant women to make a plan for communication before the earthquake. After the earthquake, there may be disruptions in the communication infrastructure. For this reason, issues such as how to communicate with family members and where to meet should be determined in advance.

Let them know that you are pregnant: Before the earthquake, pregnant women who were in work or education can share their situation with their employers or school administrations so that necessary precautions are taken for themselves and their babies.

Be informed about first aid: Pregnant women can help themselves and others in a possible emergency by being informed about first aid before an earthquake.

These measures can help pre-earthquake pregnant women protect themselves and their babies.

What Pregnant Women Can Do During Earthquake
First of all, pregnant women in the earthquake area should prepare an emergency bag. This bag should contain basic supplies, diapers, water, food, medicines and documents that the mother and baby may need.

Secondly, it is important for pregnant women to be as calm as possible during or after the earthquake and not to panic. If possible, they should go to a safe area and wait as long as they can.

Third, it is important for pregnant women in the earthquake area to see their doctors regularly and follow their pregnancies closely. Many different complications can occur during pregnancy and these complications can become even more dangerous in harsh conditions such as living in an earthquake zone.

Finally, it is important for pregnant women in the earthquake zone to go to a safe hospital and give birth there when the birth process approaches. After an earthquake, hospitals can be damaged or exceed their capacity, so pregnant women should be prepared before delivery.

It is possible for pregnant women in the earthquake area to protect themselves and their babies by taking the right precautions. However, every pregnancy is different and every mother and baby may have different needs. For this reason, it is important for pregnant women in the earthquake area to take precautions specific to their own situation by consulting their doctors.
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